@article{oai:naruto.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000387, author = {藤澤, 憲 and FUJISAWA, Ken and 高橋, 眞琴 and TAKAHASHI, Makoto and 田中, 淳一 and TANAKA, Junichi}, journal = {鳴門教育大学学校教育実践研究, Naruto University of Education Forum for Teaching Practice}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究においては,知肢併置特別支援学校での自立活動及び日常生活の指導における3つのストレスコーピングに係る実践での共通点や課題を整理し,特別支援学校におけるストレスコーピングの実践について考察した。生徒のストレスへの対処や心身のリラクセーション効果が期待できる用具や実践を用いたところ,社会的相互作用や活動への応答性が示唆された。今後の課題として,教育課程上,柔軟な指導形態の検討やストレス指標の活用などがあげられた。, In this study, we examined the usefulness of stress coping in special-needs schools by organizing the commonalities and issues that emerged from three approaches to stress coping for students enrolled in special-needs schools with intellectual disabilities. Specifically, we investigated the use of fiber optics for students with physical disabilities, and the use of slime and progressive muscle relaxation for students with autism spectrum disorder. The results suggest the usefulness of the method in helping students cope with stress and relaxing their bodies and minds, improving joint attention, and making students more responsive to the next activity, as well as having positive effects on other activities. Future issues include the need to consider flexible teaching formats in the curriculum and the need for more information on the subject's stress indicators.}, pages = {85--92}, title = {知肢併置特別支援学校に在籍する生徒へのストレスコーピング : 自立活動及び日常生活の指導を通して}, volume = {1}, year = {2024}, yomi = {フジサワ, ケン and タカハシ, マコト and タナカ, ジュンイチ} }