@article{oai:naruto.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024745, author = {OHARA, Yutaka and MAEDA, Yusuke and OKAYAMA, Reiko and NAKASHIMA, Daisuke and OHARA, Taro and MATUSHIMA, Sanae}, journal = {鳴門教育大学国際教育協力研究, NUE Journal of International Educational Cooperation}, month = {Oct}, note = {本研究の目的は,教室での電子黒板利用に関する日本の学校教育の比較優位性と劣位性を指摘した上で,電子黒板の利用意思向上に有効な要因を明らかにすることである.その為に,先ず現職教員研修の充実と教職学生の学習機会欠如を指摘した上で,次に小学校教員養成課程学生130名対象の質問紙調査を通して電子黒板利用意思向上の手掛かりを得た.その上で,同被験者50名対象の教授実験の結果,電子黒板利用効果の理解が意思向上に有効なことを明らかにした., The purposes of this paper are twofold: (1) to point out the Japanese comparative advantage and disadvantage that resources of using electronic whiteboard in classroom,(2) to investigate the effective factors to improve the pre-service teacher’s intention for using electronic whiteboard. For these purposes, a questionnaire survey was conducted on 130 preservice primary teachers(undergraduate students). Referring to result of this preliminary survey, we constituted the teaching plan which tries to encourage their intention, and carried out the experimental teaching for the 50 examinee. The results indicated two main points:(a) By diffusion of the electronic whiteboard in classroom, although in-service teachers can gain IT media training on their job, pre-service teachers have little occasion to care for it. (b) Effective factors to improve pre-service teacher’s intention are realization of lesson diversification and understanding of their effects via electronic whiteboard.}, pages = {1--6}, title = {Approach to Utilization of Electronic Whiteboard in Classroom as Japanese Comparative Advantage : Survey on Primary Teacher Training Course Students}, volume = {6}, year = {2012} }