@article{oai:naruto.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025349, author = {田村, 和之 and 川真田, 早苗 and 北野, 香 and 町田, 篤志 and 石坂, 広樹 and 香西, 武 and TAMURA, Kazuyuki and KAWAMATA, Sanae and KITANO, Kaori and MACHIDA, Atsushi and ISHIZAKA, Hiroki and KOZAI, Takeshi}, journal = {鳴門教育大学学校教育研究紀要, Bulletin of Center for Collaboration in Community Naruto University of Education}, month = {Feb}, note = {本稿では,フィリピンの理科教育,特に中学1 年生の問題解決能力の育成に焦点を当てた理科授業の改善を図るために,Science 分野のK to 12 Curriculum Guide (Grade 3 to Grade 10) と日本の学習指導要領を比較し,実際に両国で振り子の授業を行い,授業で見られた児童・生徒の姿をもとに問題解決能力と科学的リテラシーについて分析した。その結果,フィリピンと日本の学習内容や育成するべき問題解決能力には大きな差はないが,日本は観察・実験を通した探究的な学習を進めている一方,フィリピンでは知識獲得に重点が置かれた教師の説明中心であるという,児童・生徒の学習方法に差があることがわかった。この実践から,限定的ではあるが,学習方法の差が,児童・生徒の問題解決能力の育成と科学的リテラシーに大きな影響を与えていることが分かった。, We present the result of comparison of science education between Philippines and Japan. We first compared the curriculum guideline for K-12 (up to grade 9 in Japanese case), and then analyzed an experiment about characteristics of pendulum conducted at 7th grade in Philippines and 4th grade in Japan. The records of these two classes are analyzed focusing on how students thought and reacted at different steps in the experiment. We found that both countries aims students to master similar level of scientific knowledge and scientific literacy. However, due to the lack of funds and resources (e.g., number of teachers and experimental equipment), teachers in Philippines tend to use more of lecture style classes than student oriented hands-on experiments, which Japanese teachers consider an important factor for students' learning. Comparing students' reaction during the experiment in two countries, we conclude that this difference in teaching method affects the outcome of scientific literacy and problem solving skills in both countries.}, pages = {75--81}, title = {フィリピンの科学リテラシー育成カリキュラムの実態 : 振り子の実践から見た生徒の問題解決能力の現状}, volume = {29}, year = {2015}, yomi = {タムラ, カズユキ and カワマタ, サナエ and キタノ, カオリ and マチダ, アツシ and イシザカ, ヒロキ and コウザイ, タケシ} }