@article{oai:naruto.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025351, author = {江川, 克弘 and EGAWA, Katsuhiro}, journal = {鳴門教育大学学校教育研究紀要, Bulletin of Center for Collaboration in Community Naruto University of Education}, month = {Feb}, note = {本研究は,作文の苦手な児童の作文学習への意欲を高め作文力も伸ばすことのできる方法についての実証的研究である。作文学習への意欲を高めるために,作文の苦手な児童は作文学習に対する意欲が高い児童とグループを組んで学習を行えるようにし,その効果を検証した。結果,作文の苦手な児童は作文学習への意欲を高めることができた。また,作文力を伸ばすために,前述したグループでの学習において視写による作文学習を行い,その効果を検証した。結果,作文の苦手な児童は作文力も伸ばすことができた。よって,本研究で行われたようなグループでの学習に視写による作文学習を取り入れた学習方法は,作文の苦手な児童の作文学習への意欲を高め作文力も伸ばすことのできる可能性の高い学習方法であることが示された。, The goal of this study is to find a method which can improve motivation of the children who are weak in composition and can extend their ability of composition. To this end, I took up the groupuscule learning method and the composition learning method by copying, and examined the effectiveness.A group containing the child who was weak in composition and two children who were good at composition, was set up. And,the transformation in the activity of the child who was weak in composition during the composition learning was investigated. The result was that the child in the group displayed higher motivation during the composition learning.And, I made a comparison between the prior and post compositions of the child. The result was that the child’s post composition was improved. The things like the following was suggested. The child had imitated the attitude for composition learning of the children who were good at composition in the child’s group. Therefore, the child began to be able to improve the attitude for composition learning. And, the composition learning method by copying enhanced the child’s ability of composition.}, pages = {89--98}, title = {視写による作文学習の有効性の検討 : 小学校6年生の作文の苦手な児童を対象として}, volume = {29}, year = {2015}, yomi = {エガワ, カツヒロ} }