@article{oai:naruto.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025411, author = {長江, 徹子 and 森, 篤之 and 北島, 孝昭 and 阪根, 健二 and 曽根, 直人 and 泰山, 裕 and 竹口, 幸志 and 藤原, 伸彦 and NAGAE, Tetsuko and MORI, Atsushi and KITAJIMA, Takaaki and SAKANE, Kenji and SONE, Naoto and TAIZAN, Yu and TAKEGUCHI, Koji and FUJIHARA, Nobuhiko}, journal = {鳴門教育大学学校教育研究紀要, Bulletin of Center for Collaboration in Community Naruto University of Education}, month = {Feb}, note = {鳴門教育大学は,「学び続ける教員」を支援し,地域の教育課題に対応するため,徳島県教育委員会並びに阿南市教育委員会,美馬市教育委員会と協力し,テレビ会議システムICTを利用した研修室)による教員研修を開始した。その結果,テレビ会議システムによる研修は,地理的環境や小規模校ゆえに研修参加・実施が困難な教員の研修を活性化し,教員が児童生徒と向き合う時間を確保しながら,研修の充実を図ることにもつながることが示された。さらに,校内研修や教育相談,各教科等の部会など既存の研修にテレビ会議システムを活用することにより,教科指導や生徒理解に関する専門的知見を得られたり,喫緊の教育課題についても即時的にアドバイスを受けたりすることができるなど,教員の資質向上を図る上で効果的であることが明らかになった。また,公開講座の配信によって,地域の社会教育の発展と充実に資する人材育成を図ることが可能になるなど,学校を支える地域の人材活用の推進にも資することが今後期待される。, Naruto University of Education,in collaboration with Tokushima Prefectural Board of Education, Anan City Board of Education, Mima City Board of Education, has started teacher training with the Teleconference System (Training room using ICT) to support teachers who continue to learn and to cope with local education issues. As a result, training with the Teleconference System has been shown to revitalize the training of teachers who find it difficult to participate in training and implementation due to the geographical environment and small scale of schools, and it has shown that teachers can improve their training while securing the time to face the students. Furthermore, utilizing the Teleconference system for existing training, such as in-school training, educational counseling, and subject group meetings, teachers can utilize professional knowledge on subject guidance and student understanding, and can receive immediate advice on urgent issues. It has become clear that satellite training is effective for improving the abilities of teachers. Also, it is expected that it will contribute to the promotion and utilization of regional human resources supporting the school, such as being able to foster human resource that will contribute to the development and enhancement of local social education through delivery of open lectures.}, pages = {111--121}, title = {「テレビ会議システム」を活用した現職教員研修の構築}, volume = {32}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ナガエ, テツコ and モリ, アツシ and キタジマ, タカアキ and サカネ, ケンジ and ソネ, ナオト and タイザン, ユウ and タケグチ, コウジ and フジハラ, ノブヒコ} }