@article{oai:naruto.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025418, author = {新村, 隆博 and 葛西, 真記子 and SHIMMURA, Takahiro and KASAI, Makiko}, journal = {鳴門教育大学学校教育研究紀要, Bulletin of Center for Collaboration in Community Naruto University of Education}, month = {Feb}, note = {本研究の目的は,児童養護施設職員の養育に対する認知的側面である「養育観」とストレスの関連を明らかにすることであった。そこで,A県の10施設132名の直接処遇職員を対象に,予備調査を経て作成した児童養護施設職員の養育観尺度およびストレッサー尺度を用いて分析を行った。養育観の因子構造は2因子が抽出され,第1因子「養育に対する肯定的印象」,第2因子「養育に対する否定的印象」であった。養育観尺度とストレッサー尺度の下位尺度の統計学的分析の結果,男女差が確認された。男性職員の養育観はいずれもストレッサーに影響を及ばさない一方で,女性職員は彼女らの養育観がストレッサー認知に複数の影響をもたらすことが示唆された。, The purposes of this study were to develop a child rearing value scale for caretakers in child nursing homes, and to clarify relationship between the value and stress. The items of the value scale were developed based on the results of a pilot study, and two questionnaires assessing stress and value were conducted. A total of 132 valid responses at 10 institutions were analyzed to examine the structure of factors associated with child rearing value, and two factors were extracted, FactorsⅠ “positive impression of child rearing”, and FactorsⅡ “negative impression of child rearing”. Findings from this study suggest that the relationship between the value and stress was different depending on sex. In comparison with male caretakers, in those of females the value influenced the level of stress in various ways.}, pages = {183--190}, title = {児童養護施設職員の養育観とストレスに関する調査研究 : 児童養護施設職員の養育観尺度開発を通して}, volume = {32}, year = {2018}, yomi = {シンムラ, タカヒロ and カサイ, マキコ} }