@article{oai:naruto.repo.nii.ac.jp:00027753, author = {村井, 万里子 and MURAI, Mariko}, journal = {鳴門教育大学研究紀要, Research bulletin of Naruto University of Education}, month = {Mar}, note = {This article is a Foundation Theory for Curriculum development of Training for Language Teachers. This is 3 subjects. 1 : In the Past Article, I maintained that we need to detect the philosophy on Speech Theory “Taiwa?Kan : the unit of discussion Loop”. “Taiwa?Kan”came from Yamaguchi?Kiichiro’s Theory(1952). The Theory “Taiwa?Kan shuhd be founded by Phenomenology. 2. “Gensyougaku wa Shikou no Genri dearu?Phenomenology is the Principle of Thinking”described the history of modern philosopy and cleaerd that Phenomenology is important theory. 3. The found theory of Teaching for 1st Language needs Theory of “Taiwa?Kan”by Phenomenology. Because we know that the theory is How to cross over the Oneself.}, pages = {115--129}, title = {作文指導を基礎とする小学校国語科教師養成カリキュラムの開発 (2) : 「対話環」理論の現象学的基礎づけ}, volume = {25}, year = {2010}, yomi = {ムライ, マリコ} }