@article{oai:naruto.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028534, author = {川上, 綾子 and 江川, 克弘 and KAWAKAMI, Ayako and EGAWA, Katsuhiro}, journal = {鳴門教育大学学校教育研究紀要, Bulletin of Center for Collaboration in Community Naruto University of Education}, month = {Feb}, note = {本研究は,教員志望学生が授業観察において授業者の教授行為の意図をどの程度認知できるか,またその認知にはどのような特徴があるかについて明らかにするための試行的な調査を行い,熟練教師の結果との比較から検討を行ったものである。その結果,学生における教授行為の意図の認知は,熟練教師に比べ量的に少ないことが示された。また,学生の認知の特徴として,①目に留まった教授行為を断片的にとらえる一方で,本時の展開に沿って主要な教授行為の意図を読み取ることに困難がみられること,②着目する教授行為が授業者の発言,なかでも「問いかけ」に偏っており,質的なバリエーションが少ないこと,③認知された意図の内容が子どもの学習とどうつながるのかが明瞭でないものがあることが見いだされた。, In this study, we conducted a trial investigation to clarify how much level preservice teachers could recognize the intention of teaching-behavior of the teacher in lesson observation and what kind of characteristics there were in the cognition, and examined it through the comparison with the result of the expert teacher. As a result, it was shown that there was quantitatively less cognition of intention of teaching-behaviors in preservice teachers than the expert teacher. In addition, the following characteristics about the cognition of preservice teachers were found: 1) Preservice teachers had difficulty in recognizing the intentions of main teaching-behaviors along the lesson flow while they fragmentarily recognized the teaching-behavior that caught their eyes. 2) Preservice teachers paid much attention to speech of the teacher, especially "questions" and had few qualitative variations of teaching-behaviors on recognizing the intention. 3) Preservice teachers had some recognized intention which was not clear how those contents are linked to the learning of pupils.}, pages = {85--91}, title = {教授行為の意図に関する教員志望学生の認知 : 熟練教師との比較から}, volume = {34}, year = {2020}, yomi = {カワカミ, アヤコ and エガワ, カツヒロ} }