@article{oai:naruto.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028535, author = {高原, 光恵 and TAKAHARA, Mitsue}, journal = {鳴門教育大学学校教育研究紀要, Bulletin of Center for Collaboration in Community Naruto University of Education}, month = {Feb}, note = {本稿は,瞬間的にものの個数を捉えるサビタイジングの機能に関する知見の中でも,発達的変化,自閉スペクトラム症(ASD)等障害の有無による違い,数の理解を促す教育実践に見られる指導法などについて文献的検討を行ったものである。その結果,サビタイジングによる反応時間は年齢発達とともに短くなり,処理容量が増えること,言語処理による干渉が見られること,教育指導場面では,カウンティングによる丁寧かつ確実な数の認識を中心としていることなどが明らかとなった。また,今後の課題として,今回取り上げられなかった障害に関する知見や教育実践例について,まとめていく必要性が指摘された。, This paper examines the connections between subitizing and influential factors using a literature review. Subitizing is commonly known to recognize the number of objects without counting in a small number set. To analyze literature related to subitizing ability, we investigated the following factors, child development stages to understand the numerical concept, developmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and mathematical methods commonly applied in a classroom to teach number concepts. The review results indicate that the child development stage with higher information processing ability tends to reduce the response time of subitizing. Children groups interfered in language processing tasks decreased the performance of subitizing. In contrast, the result suggests little significant difference in subitizing ability between children with autism and other groups. The research shows that teachers mainly apply actual counting methods in a classroom instead of utilizing subitizing. We will conduct a literature review to investigate different types of developmental disorders other than autism and different education methods.}, pages = {93--97}, title = {数の直感的把握:発達および障害に関する資料から}, volume = {34}, year = {2020}, yomi = {タカハラ, ミツエ} }